Wednesday 11 January 2012

A New Message from the Chairman of Tottenham Conservatives....

A true honour and privilege - I was elected Chairman of Tottenham Conservatives Constituency Association. Below is my New Year message:

Dear Member/Supporter,

Firstly, may I wish you a very Happy New Year – and what an exciting year we have ahead of us!

Before I turn to what is ahead of us in 2012, first, let us reflect on what has passed. 2011 was a terrible year for Tottenham but a year with a further-tarnished reputation as a result of the riots that hit our area not to mention the wanton looting in Tottenham Hale and elsewhere. I am deeply saddened that the reviews seem to reveal an under-estimated response by the police especially in the first riot in Tottenham but I am more worried and unhappy about the apparent evidence of social breakdown which appears to be happening in our area. Young people are understandably disillusioned and I very much hope that that the Coalition policies – particularly in respect to making it pay more to work – will gradually bear fruit. Sadly, I am concerned that Haringey Council are not cutting in the right areas – instead of cutting Council bureaucracy (e.g. the Haringey People magazine) they are reducing elderly care services instead. This is NOT right and I would encourage you to attend the public meeting taking place on 11 January or making your views known at .

Last year was also a year of inspiration and a community pulling together. After the riots, I was truly humbled to see how people had given so much to help those who were afflicted by the criminal rioters and arsonists. I hope the Council is giving its full support to them too. Slowly but surely, the Conservative-led Government is starting to deliver too on its pledges – such as cutting red tape for the police and allowing doctors to get on with their job and being asked to achieve proper health outcomes instead of having to constantly reach target after target under old and tired Labour. On the subject of Labour, they have been an ineffective opposition and Ed Miliband has been wrong again and again on almost all policy areas – the legacy of financial mess they left us is denied by them constantly.

2012 will be an eventful year where Britain can show the world why there is the word “Great” in Great Britain. We host the greatest sporting event ever in our own city and also Her Majesty The Queen will celebrate her Diamond Jubilee on the throne. Despite hard times, we have an opportunity to really show off and to inspire our young people across the country that dreams and ambitions are essential if our country is to be prosperous and successful for years to come.

This year will also be a year where we MUST re-elect Boris Johnson. He had delivered a cut in crime of almost 9% with robberies down 20%. Over 10,000 knives have been taken off the streets so far and youth violence has gone down by 15%. Crime on the buses and Tube has gone down 30% and 25% respectively since he came into power – and all this in only 4 years! Just imagine what he can do in another 4 years! Much more information on what Boris has done can be found here:

In order to help Boris get re-elected, we must not rest on our laurels, we must get out there and campaign, deliver and canvass! Just get in touch with us and come and help! In addition to Boris – we also are supporting our GLA candidate for Haringey-Enfield – Mr Andy Hemsted. We are right behind him and we know he could be a fantastic GLA representative for our area – hugely more effective than our sitting Labour rep... So please do get in touch to help us support him too – he has a super chance of success but we need your support to push him over the finish line!

Finally, I am pleased to say that our membership is being reinvigorated and we are making a big push to drive up numbers to join us. If you are reading this and you’re not a member – please get in touch – we are a very friendly bunch and I know you’ll enjoy both all the good work we put in for the Conservatives cause but also the really excellent social events we hold including inviting many MPs to come and talk to us – there is even a chance to see Iain Duncan-Smith on 20 January not to mention a cheese and wine evening with Penny Mordaunt, MP, on 25 January – plus lots, lots more to come.

So then, join in the fun and the big campaigns in 2012 – with every good wish for the coming months! Health and happiness to you all.

Best wishes.

Tim Caines

Chairman, Tottenham Conservative Association

January 2012

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