Sunday 24 October 2010

Election aftermath and now a CSR

Well, it's been a long time since I last posted on my blog. I wonder if you need a particular attitude or mentality to keep on updating people on the happenings of your life or whether people do it as part of an opening-up process which somehow allows them to feel 'cleansed' afterwards. Well, clearly I've been busy with life and maybe now I am falling into the latter category. I always thought this blog might end up turning into a public diary and so maybe it will evolve that way as time goes by. I'll need more followers though - so maybe that will get better over time too! ;-).

OK - right, the local election. I'm very happy and grateful to all those here in Harringay who supported me with their vote in May. I am very pleased that the Conservative vote increased greatly. Onwards and upwards!

We face major challenges over the next few years. Now that Labour have a bigger mandate over the Council I fear they will take the wrong decisions in order to spite the Coalition's benign intentions to bring the economy back from the ever-increasing debt. How can anyone justify just passing on all this debt to future generations? I wouldn't dream of passing debt to my children and this should be a principle of any administration.

At the Full Council on 22 November, I aim to ask the Leader of the Council how she can account for wasteful spending when Haringey Council has its own black hole to deal with.

Keep posted for my next post.

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